Modules API

Modules, as used by the application, have to be given of one of the expected types. Below, is the description of each of the types with the expected arguments and the return values.

Module type: analyzer

This module is used to provide analyzers for given data. For this module, in the corresponding Python file, specify

IocbioKineticsModule = ["analyzer"]

and function

def analyzer(database, data):
    return Analyzer, overall_plot, overall_stats

The function arguments are * database of type * data of type

These argument variables would allow analyzers to decide whether they are interested in that particular dataset by quering data type, database with the data.experiment_id and/or other means.

The returned values of all analyzer modules will be combined together to form the sets used to analyze the data. Any of the returned tuple can be None. It is expected that if the data is not analyzed by this module, return value will be None, None, None.

Out of returned values, Analyzer and overall_plot are dictionaries, overall_stats is a list. Each of the return values is described below.

analyzer return value: Analyzer

Analyzer is a dictionary with the key designating ROI type and the value corresponding to the primary analyzer class. There could be only one primary analyzer class for a given type of ROI. If there are multiple defined, only the last one used in the scan of all modules will be used.

While there is only one analyzer class expected per ROI type, one can combine analyzers by deriving the analyzer from AnalyzerCompose class.

The object of the class pointed by the dictionary, will be constructed as needed and should provide the following interface (replace AnalyzerPrimary as appropriate):

class AnalyzerPrimary(AnalyzerGeneric):

      def __init__(self, database, roi_data):
          self.database = database
 = roi_data
          self.experiment = XYData(x, y)
          self.axisnames = XYData("x axis", "y axis")
          self.axisunits = XYData("x units", "y units")
          self.signals.sigUpdate = Signal()
          # fit the data
          self.calc = XYData(..., ...)
          self.stats = { key: value, ... }

      def remove(self):

      def update_data(self, data):

      def update_event(self, event_name):

      def slice(data, x0, x1):

      def auto_slicer(data):

When instantiated via __init__, the analyzer object corresponds to one of the regions of interest selected by the user. So, it gets the Data object pointing to that region only with the ROI ID specified in data.data_id. During initialization, analyzer is expected to perform all calculations, fill the attributes accordingly and emit the update signal. All the results should be written into the database using database. As it is expected that the database records need updates in response to the update events, database connection should be stored as an attribute self.database.

The attributes axisnames and axisunits define the name and units of x- and y-axes. For that, they are expected to use iocbio.kinetics.calc.generic.XYData type.

Same XYData type is used for attributes experiment and calc for transferring numerical values for experimental and fitted data as numpy.array. The values are shown on primary analysis graph for visual inspection of the fit by user. Note that this requires that the lengths of the vectors should comply with experiment.x.length==experiment.y.length and calc.x.length==calc.y.length. Experiment and calc vectors don't have to be of the same size.

The attribute stats should be of dictionary with the keys used only to sort the shown data. Values of the dictionary should be of type iocbio.kinetics.calc.generic.Stats.

Signal self.signals.sigUpdate should be emitted every time the fit or data has been changed. This is used to update graphs and statistics tables accordingly.

Method remove should delete all the records in the database corresponding to the ROI which is analyzed by the object. This corresponds to the database table(s) used by this analyzer only. It is called in response to the user's request to remove ROI.

Method update_data should use given data to update its experiment's x and y values, fit them and update statistics together with calc attributes. Updated results should also written to the database.

Method update_event is used to update event string associated with ROI. It is called in response to the user's changes in event string and are expected to be processed by the analyzer. Results should be written by updating and Analyzer is not expected to write events into the database, this is done in the main program by checking the set attributes.

There are two static methods which are required to slice the data into ROIs.

Static method slice is called when new ROI is requested. It is expected that the method will call data.slice(x0, x1) and use the returned sliced data. The main task of the analyzer is to fill slice data event_name and event_value attributes according to the experiment and return sliced data as a return value.

Static method auto_slicer is called when the new experiment is imported and is expected to return a list of sliced datasets as a return value. Example cases include splitting the data according to the events in data.config["events"] or, if the experimental protocol has known sequence, splitting by pre-defined sequence. It is expected that auto_slicer will determine intervals (x0,x1) and call static method slice with those intervals to populate the list. If there is no apparent way of splitting data automatically or, as a use for the first implementation, auto_slicer can also return an empty list. It would still allow user's to make new ROIs from GUI.

analyzer return value: overall_plot

overall_plot is a dictionary with the key designating currently active ROI type and the value corresponding to the secondary analyzer object (note that it is not a class as for Analyzer, but object). There could be only one secondary analyzer object for a specified type.

The analyzers specified in overall_plot are the ones that analyze the primary analysis results and show the data in the plot on the right bottom of GUI. It is frequently that the same object is also included into overall_stats, as described in a separate sub-section below.

Each object of overall_plot analyzer should be of the class with the API mostly covering a subset of the classes used for Analyzer:

class AnalyzerOverallPlot(AnalyzerGeneric):

      def __init__(self, database, roi_data):
          self.database = database
 = roi_data
          self.experiment = XYData(x, y)
          self.axisnames = XYData("x axis", "y axis")
          self.axisunits = XYData("x units", "y units")
          self.signals.sigUpdate = Signal()
          # fit the data
          self.calc = XYData(..., ...)

      def update(self):

While most of the methods are the same as in Analyzer, notice the absence of remove and absence of any data passed to update. This reflects the secondary analysis nature of the analyzer - it is expected to get the data from the database with the primary analysis results.

The method update is called if any of the ROIs or the results of the current primary analyzer has been updated.

It is expected that the analysis results are calculated on initialization and on updates. The results are expected to be stored in the database tables.

For the meaning of attributes, see description of Analyzer above.

analyzer return value: overall_stats

overall_stats is a list of the secondary analyzer objects (note that it is not a class as for Analyzer, but object). There could be as many secondary analyzer objects as needed.

The analyzers specified in overall_stats are the ones that analyze the primary analysis results and show the data in the plot on the right bottom of GUI.

Each object of overall_stats analyzer should be of the class with the API mostly covering a subset of the classes used for Analyzer:

class AnalyzerOverallStats(AnalyzerGeneric):

      def __init__(self, database, roi_data):
          self.database = database
 = roi_data
          self.signals.sigUpdate = Signal()
          # fit the data
          self.stats = { key: value, ... }

      def update(self):

As for overall_plot, notice the absence of remove and absence of any data passed to update. This reflects the secondary analysis nature of the analyzer - it is expected to get the data from the database with the primary analysis results.

The method update is called if any of the ROIs or the results of the current primary analyzer has been updated.

For the meaning of attributes, see description of Analyzer above.

Module type: args

This module is used to compose command line arguments of kinetics program as well as its help text covering used protocols. For this module, specify

IocbioKineticsModule = ["args"]

and function args with an argument that is of type to add new arguments (if needed):

def args(parser)

Command line arguments for the main program and for data import dialog can be added using parser.add method. All arguments are expected to be of type str with the type conversion done later by the reader if needed.

Return value should be either None or short description of supported protocol types. Description should end with newline.

Example implementation is shown below:

def args(parser):
    parser.add(name='electro_condition', help='Electrophysiology experiment condition. For example: ttx, iso')
    return '''Electrophysiology:
ltcc - Voltage step prodocol to estimate LTCC current
kill - Fluorescence maximum from killing cardiomyocyte
srcontent_by_ncx - Caffeine induced calcium relase
srrecovery_by_ltcc - SR recovery after caffeine experiment

Module type: database_info

This module is used to display some additional information in the list of all experiments shown by GUI on the left side of the main window. For this module, specify

IocbioKineticsModule = ["database_info"]

and function database_info(database). The function is expected to return a string with SQL SELECT statement. The statement should return one text value and use e.experiment_id to look up information in the relevant tables, as demonstrated below in the example. database is given as an argument to for access to database.table method. Example implementation:

def database_info(database):
    return "SELECT title from %s s where s.experiment_id=e.experiment_id" % database.table("electrophysiology")

Module type: database_schema

This module is used to initialize database schema. For this module, specify

IocbioKineticsModule = ["database_schema"]

and function database_schema(database). The function is expected to initialize database tables, if needed. Here, database is of type

There return value, if any, is not used.

Module type: database_processor

This module is used to apply some operations to the database after loading datasets during the initial import from files, as given in command line arguments. For example, this allows to link new imported dataset with some lab-specific preparation ID.

For this module, specify

IocbioKineticsModule = ["database_processor"]

and function database_process(database, data, args). It is possible that data argument is None during a call with the processor function expected to check for it if needed. Function is called after the data was created on the basis of the command line arguments.

While database and data are of the same type as in the analyzer functions above, args is given as AttrDict. It allows to access options via attributes or through [key] as for dictionaries.

Module type: reader

This module is used to read data from file or database and create data object. For this module, specify

IocbioKineticsModule = ["reader"]

and function create_data:

create_data(database, experiment_id=None, args=None)

The function should return None if the dataset is not of the type covered by this reader. Otherwise, data is expected as a return value of type

The function can be called either with command line arguments args or with experiment_id specified, but never both different from None. With experiment_id specified, data should be loaded from database according to that experiment_id.

For args, if specified, the function can assume that all global options, such as file_name and protocol are available. args is AttrDict with the access available through keys (as in attr['file_name']) and attributes (as inargs.file_name). Before accessing, it is recommended to test whether the key/attribute exists (useargs.getandargs.getattr` methods).

When loading the data, the first module that will return non-None value and load the data will be considered as responsible for that data type. In this case, none of the subsequent reader modules will be called and the returned data will be used for analysis.